Campus Partners
Beta Upsilon Chi (BYX)
BYX is a national fraternity that exists on college campuses throughout the U.S. At each campus, including at Michigan, BYX is focused on creating a lifelong brotherhood of committed Christian men who want to share the love of Jesus Christ with each other and those around them. The fraternity does this by hosting a variety of social and spiritual events, including parties, formals, mixers, worship nights, and philanthropy events.
Asian InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (AIV)
Asian InterVarsity Christian Fellowship is a home for individuals who seek to learn more about Jesus and be a part of the Asian/Pacific Islander American (A/PIA) community at the University of Michigan. We invite and welcome everyone regardless of background to our student-led small group Bible studies, large group gatherings on campus, leadership training, and thoughtful discipleship and life-changing conferences and events. AIV is affiliated with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, a non-denominational parachurch campus ministry with over 1,000 chapters across the country that is a part of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES). IFES is a global movement dedicated to seeing students built into communities of disciples, transformed by the gospel and impacting the university, the church and society for the glory of Christ, with more than half a million students in over 160 countries.