Frequently Asked Questions
Why did you choose to name this organization Redefined?
We started this organization because we were seeing a lack of community engagement from local churches and Christian student organizations. Even those that did engage with the community tended to host one-time events rather than consistently serving one organization. Our goal is to redefine what service looks like by developing deep connections with community organizations and serving those in need out of love and care. We also want to redefine what being a Christian looks like by equipping and inspiring students to live out their faith through actions with the full understanding that the Lord has called His body to feed the hungry and take care of those in need (James 1:27).
Are there any requirements to join Redefined as a member?
In terms of qualifications or prior experience, no! Anyone can become a member of Redefined, regardless of whether they've done community service before.
We do, however, require that you meet at least one leadership member before officially joining Redefined. Our organization believes in the importance of personal connection, and we want you to have someone you feel comfortable with in Redefined. And, of course, we want to get to know you!
The final requirement for joining Redefined is that all members must agree to the time commitment they sign up for. We don't generally ask for much of your time -- about an hour and a half per week on average, but we do ask that you commit to it. This means attending our bi-weekly meetings and staying active with your service team.
What type of volunteering do you do in Redefined?
One key aspect of our organization is that we want to offer plenty of options. Right now, we have four service teams, each serving a different aspect of the community. More details can be found on our membership page.
We also do monthly service events which are optional but open to everyone, not just our members. These tend to be slightly longer events that are selected on an individual basis by our leadership. Upcoming monthly events are posted on our events page.
Do I have to be a Christian to join Redefined?
No! We welcome anyone regardless of their beliefs.
However, it's important to note that our organization does revolve heavily around Christianity. This means that our meetings will include bible verse discussions, prayer, and we will frame the reason we serve in terms of faith. We ask that before you join you ensure that you are comfortable with these aspects of our meetings. We have multiple members who are not Christian who simply are looking for a way to serve.
What does it mean to be a Redefined member?
Being a member of Redefined allows you to join one of our service teams. If you're looking for a way to serve consistently with others, then membership is probably the right avenue for you. Our bi-weekly meetings are also only open to members of Redefined, and at these meetings you'll have the chance to meet everyone in the organization.
Even if you aren't a member, however, we still invite you to serve with us at our monthly service events! These are open to everyone, member or not. Information about these as well as any upcoming social events can be found here.
How often do you meet, and how long do you meet for?
Our meetings run for an hour bi-weekly.